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This is about family.
This is about freedom.

This is about the future.

Build Wealth + Financial Liberation Through Crypto Investing

Crypto Logically helps everyday people get involved in cryptocurrency investing so you can escape the grind and be where you really want to be.

Hello, I’m Chris Bolaza.

When I got started in crypto in 2017, I was a bartender, working a side gig bookkeeping, juggling grad school and life as a young dad. I was definitely not a tech guy. I knew nada about crypto. But I got intrigued and dove in. I’m so glad I did.

My crypto investments are now up over 9x.

I share this not to brag, but because I want you to know what’s possible in the crypto space. And we’re still in the early days of this technology. As someone who has mainly worked in an industry without retirement benefits, I’m no longer stressed about financing a great future for my family. I have peace of mind, thanks to cryptocurrency investing. If I can do this, so can you. For more on my story, read on below.

 At Crypto Logically you’ll find

Forever Free ContentPowerhouse Resources

 Everything is designed for new crypto investors.
The goal is to help you get going and continue to expand your crypto wealth. It’s everything I wish I had when I got started.

Let’s connect

What is crypto?

At its simplest, cryptocurrency is digital money. It is also WAY more than that, with ever-growing applications. Crypto can be thought of as “the internet of money” (to quote someone I’ve learned so much from, Andreas Antonopoulos).

The way we get our music, drive around, and even grocery shop has been changed by the internet. Just like the internet has impacted most every industry, crypto has the same potential.

You’ve probably heard of Bitcoin, the MVP of the crypto world. To give you an idea, Bitcoin has grown in price more than any single investment asset in the last decade. And we’re still in the first inning.

Crypto is still new to so many people. As crypto continues to expand in reach and capability, it is not too late. We’re here to help you get in the game.

Chris and Lyla Skate Park Skating Family Time

My story

How I got started

Grinding, hustling, exhausted. Wondering if this is as good as it gets. Getting up early. Getting home late. Missing bedtime. 

Getting pictures of moments you’d trade anything to be there for. The little things. The big things. Moments that fly by and never happen again. And all you get is a text, a video, on the tiny screen, in your pocket, instead of being there. 

I was grinding my bartending job and bookkeeping side hustle. I did the school. The internships. I was planning on becoming a CPA after I finished my MBA and my masters in education. It seemed like the responsible thing to do, especially as a young dad.

When it came time to commit to the next level grind, I wouldn’t take the shot. Picturing myself away from my family every day, cranking at an accounting firm, doing the 9-5++ made me heartsick. 

I was already away from my wife and little girls more than I wanted to be. But I needed that big time job, right? That cheddar. We needed to get out of this little one-bedroom apartment and move up in the world. But I just wouldn’t take those steps. I was stuck.

Then I learned about Crypto

It was 2017. I was a total newb. Not a techie bone in my body. But the more I learned the more I wanted to know. I was fascinated. So I’ve spent the last four years soaking up everything I could. And I got involved. After every shift, I’d take some or all of my bartending tips and I’d invest. I tucked away bit by bit, knowing it would grow. And it did. It’s doubled. And doubled again. And again.

Now I’m up over 9x. Yes, for real.

And we’re just getting warmed up.

Bolaza Family Lyla PreK Graduation
Hiking Joaquin Miller Family Time Chris Lyla Naomi

My why

But why did I invest in crypto? To be there.

I don’t want to miss a single silly face contest, ridiculous dance party in the living room, or tickle throw-down. Or their first-time writing their name, or scrambling eggs, or sinking a free throw.

I was three years old when my dad passed away.

Losing him is something I feel every day. He missed every game. Every birthday. My wedding. My children’s births. Every milestone.

I always wanted to be a dad, and I always wanted to be there for my kids. I wanted to be there in the ways my dad couldn’t be there for me. He didn’t get to raise me. I wanted to experience raising my kids.

And it’s amazing. Is it hard as hell sometimes? Yes. No doubt. But it’s amazing, and I’m grateful every. single. day. I’m grateful I’m here for all that magic. And I want that for every parent, and their kids. I want that for everyone. I want you to be there, wherever that magic is for you.

So, that’s why I’ve started with my amazing wife, Elisabeth Bolaza. This is really a Mom and Pop operation. We’re doing this because we want other families to have access to what we’ve found so liberating. It’s about our deep love for our people. It goes way beyond the money.

To be where we really want to be, we need to have the energy, vitality, and time.

The future belongs to all of us.

Everyday people are left out to dry on so many fronts in this world. Investing is just one place where we get left behind. Trying to keep our heads above water, we grind and grind, making other people money, and we don’t invest in ourselves.

And this happens all the way down the ladder. It’s baked in. We gotta see it for what it is. This status quo economy, it’s killing us, my friend.

But we are done waiting. We’re making a new future now. Crypto is a new game. And we can win. But we gotta get in the game to win. To win our future, our freedom. So we can live on our own terms.

So we can be there.

Laptop workspace

Ready to jump in?

Head on over to our blog to begin your crypto adventure. It’s “choose-your-own-adventure” for grown-ups! Yes, I’m this nerdy sometimes. Let’s go!